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The book of Ezra, tucked away in the Old Testament, is often overlooked, yet it is remarkable for its relevance to the modern world. Ezra the scribe is a warm-hearted man who exercised a powerful ministry of spiritual, practical leadership to the Jews who had returned to Israel after the exile in Babylon. Love for God’s Word is a hallmark of his life, and he stands as a powerful example in...

since it was the season of three great religious festivals—the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. It was a particularly appropriate time therefore for the people to revive the nation’s religious life by starting work on the altar and the temple. They were evidently united and zealous in this desire to re-establish the old ways of truth and righteousness, for they were quite prepared to leave their fields, and the rebuilding of their own homes, in order to gather
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